Choosing the Right Type of Sod for Your Climate

Needing to choose the right kind of sod for your yard may not be something you considered to be a 10 out of 10 in importance – but it is. It’s just as important as choosing the right seat position for a 9-hour drive. Any mistake, and you’ll be in pain for the long haul!

In this article, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks that we as professionals use for choosing the right sod. We’ll show you:

What exactly sod is, and why it exists
With more to come!

Introduction to Sod Types and Climate Compatibility

What is Sod and Why is It Important?

Sod, or “turf grass,” has many secrets as to why it’s so amazing, but before we get into that, let’s break down what it actually is.

“Sod” refers to grass that’s been grown in a controlled and healthy environment, then harvested in a way that can be easily transplanted into areas like yards, parks, businesses, etc.

Here are its different parts:

The blades of grass above the soil
The root systems (on some breeds, this is a huge network of roots, spanning many feet from one plant!)
The soil or biodegradable material that holds it all together

Now for the fun part. WHY is sod important?

Have you ever seen those yards that, when mowed, look like something out of a movie? Have you ever tried to mow your yard in the same pattern in an attempt to get the same look to no avail? That’s because sod is a completely different beast.

Looks aren’t its only feature, but because sod is farm grown in a controlled environment by people who are experts at growing grass, it is thicker, healthier, and more even than a seed-grown yard will ever be. It’s free of weeds, potholes, ruts, and other imperfections. Since it starts out that way, it’s easy to KEEP it that way. It takes many years of time-intensive work to get seed-grown yards to look as good as sod yards, and even then some people never achieve the goal.

If you are reading this article about sod, you likely take notice of orderly things. Most of us humans seek out order in our lives. We thrive in clean, organized environments. When we’re in that zone, we can think clearly, our work becomes more enjoyable, we breathe easier, life is better all around.

When you come home to a welcoming, lush, healthy lawn, it says something to your subconscious that nothing else can. It’s like climbing into a well-made bed at the end of the day. Like a cool drink of spring water on a hike.

Moving on to practical reasons you should consider sod:

It is an instant ground covering.
When a yard isn’t well covered in good grass, it’s susceptible to wind and water erosion, causing potholes, ruts, and trenches that are a nightmare to maintain and also devalue the overall quality of your yard.

It’s harder for weeds to grow in.
Sod is thick and healthy, which makes it hard for weeds to grow in compared to other options

Air quality
When you breathe easier in a neighborhood full of sod, it’s not just because it LOOKS nice, it’s because sod is a massively effective air purification system. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. A 2,500-square-foot lawn alone can produce enough oxygen for a family of four daily!

Water filtration
Grass acts as a water filtration system that filters out pollutants before they reach groundwater or waterways.

Comfortable place to play and relax
Ever tried to play football in a normal, hard yard full of dips in the grass? Not nearly as fun as a padded, lush lawn. It’s great for kids and adults alike to play and relax in, and it twists fewer ankles 😉

Noise reduction
A well-sodded lawn reduces noise, another reason nicer neighborhoods are referred to as “nice quiet neighborhoods.” Since they all have sod, it reduces all the noise we typically create as rowdy humans.

Environmental improvement
Healthy sod provides homes for microorganisms and other small wildlife which improves the overall circle of life in your yard.

Needless to say, there is a truckload of positive impacts a truckload of sod can have on your lawn. Now that you know a little more about sod, let’s get into how to choose the right sod.



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